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A lens or a screen to illuminate my space?
In an office environment, rather than a retail or industrial one, the choice of correct lighting affects the comfort of those who occupy the spaces.

Here the choice of a specific lighting source can influence the personal experience of each user, based on some simple but not obvious technical measures.

A recurring theme concerns the choice between using lenses or diffuser screens for the same lighting fixture. This choice is not always obvious and is of considerable importance. This is due to the fact that, in each application context, it is necessary to identify the light source, also considering the arrangement of the furnishings and the dimensions of the space to illuminate.

Choosing a lens, such as our WIDE, UGR, CONCENTRATED, BAT, ... involves more specific lighting, which targets different contexts. In the office sector, for example, in the presence of video terminals, it becomes essential to use the UGR lens, to control glare due to annoying reflections on the screens which tend to tire the eye. In the retail sector, to highlight the products positioned on the aisle shelves without dazzling shoppers, it is advisable to consider using a BAT or BAT WD lens, in order to have a light beam specifically modeled on this need.

By choosing a diffuser screen instead, you obtain softer and more diffused lighting which "washes" the entire environment and limits the shadow areas. The advantage of this option is to have a uniformly lit space even on vertical surfaces, such as a reading room or a library, making the information on a bookcase clear and legible.

At 3F Filippi we always know how to correctly "model" light to adapt it to every space and every need, because the well-being of the person comes before anything else.

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Siège légal et usine
3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena, 28 - Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologne) - Italie
CF. 01033260371 - N° TVA IT00529461204
Capital social 3 000 000 euros e.l.
Registre des entreprises de Bologne n° 01033260371
REA N° 234613

e-Mail: 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it
Téléphone: +39.051.6529611
Fax: +39.051.775884
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Inscrivez-vous à lightUpdate pour rester en contact avec 3F Filippi: nouvelles, événements et nouvelles produits livrés dans votre adresse e-mail.
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